100% Computer Literate & Skil Development nation by 2020- After achieving independence, India has still been grappling with the enormous problem of illiteracy though it was well understood that literacy was the road we must take to become a developed nation, getting there has been indeed tough. agreed that the population has grown considerably over these decades, but nearly 60 years have passed and yet the age old problem persists. the government has been diligently working at it by launching numerous programs not just at urban and semi-urban areas, but more so at the grass-roots level. the strong vision and implementation has been an inspiration to many ensuring that very soon India will emerge as a literate nation.
But in this age, illiteracy can never be truly wiped away from our nation's bio data when another from of illiteracy is looming ominously overhead; computer illiteracy. In today's data illiteracy on computer front is a major handicap in any nation's development. computer literacy is essential, no matter what profession one is attached to. computer is a vista tool for success in future is already a foregone conclusion. it is indeed sad that while most of the developed world and one strata of the Indian society are talking about computers, computer applications and computer language; the rest of India is still grappling with the issue of basic literacy.
Why this step?
Over the past decade, the it and it's industries have been growing exponentially and emerging as serious as serious players and employers. but this phenomenon has been restricted only to the urban areas. What is sorely missing is quality computer education at an affordable cost so that computer education can truly reach the masses. The smaller towns and villages do not receive any exposure regarding computer education. and since rural folks can't afford the costly computer education available in cites, they continue to remain deprived of the most effective knowledge tool of the 21st century. this not only harms their future prospects, but also deprives them of employment opportunities.
In the process of transforming India from a developing nation to a developed one by 2020, computers will definitely have an important role to play, keeping this fact foremost in mind, SAMRAT ASHOK COMPUTER SAKSHARTA MISSION has taken this mission to make India a 100% computer literate nation by 2020